Saturday, July 01, 2006

Justina´s Birthday

Thirty minutes after Vicki got home from Via Ecológica, we headed up with Juan Carlos and Maria for an impromptu birthday celebration. Having much to do, I was hesitant to go. Justina´s home is much like Carlos and Vilma's. Our housekeeper, Naty, had gone over to her friends today and helped her prepare a "caldo" or soup. Of course it had potatoes! But, it also had chicken. I saw feet and innards saved for another occasion so they must have killed one of her own birds (I only saw one other chicken) to have meat to add to the soup. I suspect Naty had taken the cake, too. They had just put up the food and Naty said thatJustina had been crying as no one had come to eat with her on her birthday. That was all she wanted-someone to care. She was thrilled when we arrived. We just ate and visited and enjoyed Justina´s gentle smile. Justina was a favorite of Mama June´s. Kindred spirits who loved freely and enjoyed fellowship. Thank you, Lord, for not letting me miss this opportunity!


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