Friday, June 02, 2006

Waiting for Workers

We are excited to be having some friends down to work in the Lord's vineyard soon. One is Joel who is arriving on the 6th of June. Joel is a Spanish Major from Tucson and will be here working with kids at the Casas Hogares, teaching some English at the Academia for the college prep students, and maybe helping out some at the San Lucas school. He'll be here for about 9 weeks, I think.

The other couple that is to come down a few days later is Jeff and Gail Hunter. They will be wisked off to all sorts of jobs as they were down here last year and have lots of contacts. We will probably get them to teach some songs, do a bit of painting, and love on the kids in their spare time. For our Peruvian friends, this visit is a witness to sharing God's love and spreading the Gospel of Christ beyond one's front porch (Their's is probably 100 degrees right now!) Hope they don't freeze down here!!


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