Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Regional Clergy Meeting

Today Padre Ron had the regional clergy gather for fellowship. We met at 10 a.m. for Morning Prayer, had coffee, gathered in the Seminary Library to share our challenges and victories in ministry, and then we headed off for a late lunch together. Padre Alejandro and Deacon Justo's challenges are different from those of Padre Ruben and Lay Minister Luis. Likewise Salvador's concerns and Padre Juan Carlos's are different perspectives of the San Lucas School. Sometimes the perspective of one outside the situation brings a fresh light to help the incumbent see something he or she has missed. Everyone enjoyed the day. Luis felt a bit out of place as he is not yet ordained. But if truth be known, he as led as many services as some others and is the only lay minister who has moved and serves in full-time ministry. We are still looking forward to his speedy ordination. Padre Juan Carlos took the photo for me.


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